The “Welcome To A Healthier You” course was created, as the name implies, to awaken my students, to the healthier person already residing within them.
Fountain Hills Healthy Heartbeats
My task as a Nutrition & Wellness Consultant is to guide you along this healthy lifestyle journey of discovery. Learning about the many healthy choices currently available to you, that you might not be aware of, is the short-term goal of the course, with the long-term goal being better health! The valuable tips provided in this course can help you form new, healthier habits that could soon become a part of your daily life.
Each lesson includes several topics that will be covered in the videos and are included in the accompanying course workbook (available online).
Online Course: "Welcome To A Healthier You"
Each lesson in The “Welcome To A Healthier You” course includes several topics that will be covered in the videos and are included in the accompanying course workbook (available online). The workbook also includes topic-related bonus materials not covered in the videos but may prove to be useful in the journey to better health. The downloadable digital workbook or a printed copy is available for purchase for a nominal fee on my website’s store page.
Introduction To The "Welcome To A Healthier You" Video Course
The “Welcome To A Healthier You” course was created, as the name implies, to awaken you, as one of my students, to the healthier person already residing within you. It was developed to educate as many people as possible about the basics of good, healthy nutrition, how to achieve it, and how to avoid certain foods that can set you back on your journey to better health.
The “Welcome To A Healthier You” course was created, as the name implies, to awaken you, as one of my students, to the healthier person already residing within you. It was developed to educate as many people as possible about the basics of good, healthy nutrition, how to achieve it, and how to avoid certain foods that can set you back on your journey to better health.
Al gives a brief account of how he got where he is today…
Lesson #1: Whole Foods & Clean Eating
1 Introduction
2 All About Inflammation
3 Benefits of Clean Eating
4 A Body In Balance
5 Daily Basic Guidelines For Healthy Nutrition
6 Conquering Triggers and Excuses
7 Learn How Clean Whole Food Nutrition Can Improve Your Health
8 Importance of Reinforcement Within a Healthy Lifestyle
9 Repetition of Positive Lifestyle Changes
1 Introduction
2 All About Inflammation
3 Benefits of Clean Eating
4 A Body In Balance
5 Daily Basic Guidelines For Healthy Nutrition
6 Conquering Triggers and Excuses
7 Learn How Clean Whole Food Nutrition Can Improve Your Health
8 Importance of Reinforcement Within a Healthy Lifestyle
9 Repetition of Positive Lifestyle Changes
Lesson #2: Fast & Easy Basic Label Reading
1 Introduction
2 Learn Which Label Words To Look Out For, And Those That Are “Ok”
3 Go To Pantry Staples
4 Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen
5 The First Three Label Ingredients
6 Protective Foods
1 Introduction
2 Learn Which Label Words To Look Out For, And Those That Are “Ok”
3 Go To Pantry Staples
4 Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen
5 The First Three Label Ingredients
6 Protective Foods
Lesson #3 Simple Ways of Being Prepared
1 Introduction
2 Food Preparation to Save Time and Energy
3 Simple Meal Planning
4 Color Your Plate with A Rainbow Of Fruits And Vegetables
5 Easy, Tasty Food Choice Tips & Tricks
1 Introduction
2 Food Preparation to Save Time and Energy
3 Simple Meal Planning
4 Color Your Plate with A Rainbow Of Fruits And Vegetables
5 Easy, Tasty Food Choice Tips & Tricks
Lesson #4: Inflammatory Foods & Filtering
1 Introduction
2 Common Foods That Can Promote Inflammation
3 Anti-Inflammatory Foods
4 Gluten: Definition & Common Foods That Contain Gluten
5 List of Popular, Tasty Gluten-Free Whole Grains
1 Introduction
2 Common Foods That Can Promote Inflammation
3 Anti-Inflammatory Foods
4 Gluten: Definition & Common Foods That Contain Gluten
5 List of Popular, Tasty Gluten-Free Whole Grains
Lesson #5: Whole Foods that Can be Beneficial to the Cardiovascular System
1 Introduction
2 Cholesterol Basics And Common Risk Factors -
3 Omega 3 Benefits
4 Happy Endothelial Cells And Nitric Oxide
5 Importance of Our Heart Rate
6 General Guidelines
1 Introduction
2 Cholesterol Basics And Common Risk Factors -
3 Omega 3 Benefits
4 Happy Endothelial Cells And Nitric Oxide
5 Importance of Our Heart Rate
6 General Guidelines
Lesson #7: Real Health Benefits of Fiber & Hydration To a Body
1 Introduction
2 Fiber, Your New Best Friend
3 Living With Clean Eating
4 WFPB Benefits Against Allergens
5 Hydration & Dehydration
6 Fiber Examples
1 Introduction
2 Fiber, Your New Best Friend
3 Living With Clean Eating
4 WFPB Benefits Against Allergens
5 Hydration & Dehydration
6 Fiber Examples
Lesson #8: The Healthy Proteins - Plants
1 Introduction
2 Power of Plant Protein
3 List Of Plants High In Protein
4 Carbohydrates Versus Proteins For Athletes
5 Ph Balance In Food
6 Vegetables And Fruits In Season
1 Introduction
2 Power of Plant Protein
3 List Of Plants High In Protein
4 Carbohydrates Versus Proteins For Athletes
5 Ph Balance In Food
6 Vegetables And Fruits In Season
Lesson #9 On/Off Switch
1 Introduction
2 Awareness, Accountability, Goals & Motivation
3 Benefits of Chewing Your Food Properly
4 Eye Health And The Power of Plants
5 Repetition of Positive Lifestyle Changes
1 Introduction
2 Awareness, Accountability, Goals & Motivation
3 Benefits of Chewing Your Food Properly
4 Eye Health And The Power of Plants
5 Repetition of Positive Lifestyle Changes